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What is functionality of the iDempiere Global Accounting Engine ?
iDempiere 北歐東歐中歐南歐北美南美整合服務
Skype: Adempiere/Compiere
What is functionality of the iDempiere Global Accounting Engine ?
iDempiere 北歐東歐中歐南歐北美南美整合服務
Skype: Adempiere/Compiere
The iDempiere Global Accounting Engine provides you with features to satisfy the following basic business needs. You can:
- Comply with accounting regulations of any country. Some accounting entries are legal in one country but not in another.(完全滿足任何國家規定以符合政府要求, 例如: 關說與關心的不同)
- The Global Accounting Engine lets you choose the right accounting schemes for your country.(正確選擇正確的會計架構)
- Define accounting rules per set of books.(不同 SOB帳可以用不同會計規則)
- Post different accounting rules to different sets of books.(可用不同規則過入不同 SOB帳冊)
- Generate different accounting entries from the same business transaction into different sets of books.(一個交易產生不同會計分錄給不同 SOB帳冊)
- Perform synchronous multiple set-of-book accounting. The multiple set-of-book accounting is synchronous because it ensures that a Business transaction is either posted in all related set of books or is not posted in any set of books.(及時同步過入每一個不同 SOB帳冊)
- Comply with legal and fiscal audit trail requirements.(完全滿足財務稽核軌跡的需求)
- Store all accounting entries in the same structure and format for all applications. An accounting entry always consists of a header and two or more accounting entry lines. The Global Accounting Engine uses this information to provide accurate reconciliation reports in applications such as Payables and Receivables.
- Reconcile your subledger accounting system with General Ledger. The Global Accounting Engine provides additional reports such as daily journal reports. Reports are used when a company needs to match the amounts in the subledgers such as Payables, Receivables, and General Ledger.
- Define journals rather than using hard-coded categories. These journals are numbered sequentially to comply with legal requirements.(不須人工去區分類別可用自動編碼方式來解決政府的規定)
- Assign sequential numbers to the defined journals across applications.(分配順序編碼遍及整個系統日記帳)
- Each accounting entry has a unique identifier as well as other header information. This accounting number is the primary key for your accounting lines. You can use the same numbering in applications such as Payables and Receivables.
- Audit and control period and fiscal year closing procedures.(可稽核可控管每一格財務報表結帳程序)
- The Global Accounting Engine provides a new mechanism for closing periods that ensures a complete and gapless numbering is generated as required in some countries.
- Create journal entries and detailed balances for control accounts.(為控管會計科目建立日記帳分錄跟每一筆明細餘額)
- Control accounts are General Ledger accounts that you can access only from subledger applications such as Payables and Receivables. The balances are calculated for each account with the control account status and third party period and identification. A third party can be a supplier in Payables or a customer in Receivables. The Global Accounting Engine uses these structures to provide legal balance reports that are the same across all applications.
- Secure subledger accounting entries. You can either secure accounts individually or secure the procedure to create accounting entries. To secure subledger accounting entries, use control accounts to define accounts. A control account is only accessible from the subledgers. Securing your entries ensures a valid audit trail is on paper. The secured posting makes sure that you are only given access to a range of steps involved in the posting cycle.
- Print reports that correspond to country-specific accounting practices.
- Print legal subledger accounting reports .