這是一個自製的時代, 一個站在巨人的肩膀上的時代 (Base on Open Source ERP iDempiere)
我們鼓勵大家用 Open Source 當基礎發展出自己要的系統
( 依據 GPL 規範不管無償或有償, 有再度 [散播] 修改後軟體才公告免費讓第三者免費取得)
( [修改後軟體] : 意指動到 java source code, 有重新編譯過 idempere)
( iDempiere 是 MDA 增加: 輸入畫面, 查詢報表, 驗證規則, 並不需動到 java source code,)
EPICOR 是一個反社會潮流的宣告 :(節錄給大家欣賞)
2.自製沒有Open Source 可以當基礎來發展
像他這種沒有 MDA 架構的 ERP 是技術落後的商業軟件
因為開放原碼 Upgrade 是不需要付版權費用
In today's complex business environment, it can be very challenging for in house IT professionals to keep up with the pace of change necessary to sustain a competitive advantage
Whether the homegrown IT system you have seems "fine" for now,or your company has developed strong loyalty to a custom-built solution, these options cannot offer you the level of protection and security of an outside enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution.
ERP system installation is often thought of as the most risky, expensive, and disruptive investment a distributor can make in their business. However, you must also consider the inherent risks of a homegrown solution. When you argue against a potential system
switch with costs, pain, and efficiency concerns, you should take a look at them as they exist in your current system.
Compared to a robust ERP system built by a well-established software provider, homegrown tends to be fragile and lacking in - depth support.
And while a custom-built system may seem to offer control and flexibility, it may actually lock you into a suboptimal solution. Some basic questions to consider include:
Is software development really your core competency?
Can you spare the programming resources ?
Do you have the years and the capital to develop, test, and fine-tune your application?
What happens if you lose the precious few resources that can support and maintain your older technology?
What is your visibility into emerging technologies and industry best practices that other distributors are using?
Is your system truly integrating information and processes from all functional divisions of your organization, or do you have disparate data sources “running” your business?
Cost-effective ERP solutions meet distribution organizations’ demands by leveraging existing applications and technologies, while taking the burden off your internal development
For all of these reasons, it is in your best interest to partner with a leading ERP provider, in order to advance your operations to the next level of efficiency.
To help answer the above questions and explain the realities of an ERP system, we have compiled the top nine reasons to weigh the advantages of an outside ERP over your homegrown system